Behind Closed Doors

Author: Ann of Midnight


Rating: NC-17... my favorite rating.

Category: Willow/Angel, crossover.

Disclaimer: Joss and co. own the BTVS universe, Kevin and co. own Pacey. I'll put them back when I'm done. No, I don't have any money to my name, nor do I get any revenue from writing these little ditties.

Notes: Part 5 of the Extended Family Series.


As soon as the door was closed Faith threw Pacey against the wall and kissed him roughly, ripping his shirt open and pinching a nipple.

"I thought you were going to let me," he said between assaults.

Faith sucked in a breath and stepped back.

"You really want to do this? It's not like I'm going to break, although I know I could break you."

She saw his hurt expression and decided humor him.

"Okay fine. I'm just not used to vanilla so you're gonna have to tell me what to do. What's your name again?"

"Pacey. Take off your shirt and lie on your stomach."

She slid her tank top off slowly and walked over to the bed. Pacey straddled her and ran his hands up the exposed flesh. He kissed her shoulders and started massaging her. She whimpered in delight and he kept at it for several minutes.

"You know I'm a done deal right? As good as this is you don't have to."

She trailed off when he bent over and started kissing every inch of her back softly, making her tingle everywhere. He undid her bra and continued the sweet torture, adding his hands to the mix, letting them barely graze her, running them over her back, then down her arms. He took one of her hands and kissed the bruised knuckles, then sucked on each finger all the while rubbing his erection firmly against her bottom.

He let go of the hand and nipped and licked his way back up to her shoulders to suck on the pulse point. He bit her left earlobe gently and grunted when she pressed her butt up firmly against his groin.

"Turn over", he whispered huskily.

He left her room to move and she did. Time stood still as they got caught in each other's eyes. He wanted so badly to ask her what happened, to tell her everything was going to be okay but all he could do was kiss her.

She let his tongue enter her mouth, and sighed against him, moving her hands to his hair and pressing him down on her more forcefully. She could kiss him for hours, she could get lost...

Pacey was assaulted by the intensity of the kiss, the electricity between them, and the rightness of it all. He was trying to let her know how much he wanted her, how good they could be together. He himself didn't know why he felt a connection with this girl, why this was so important to him and he soon stopped his internal questioning. She bit his lower lip and withered against him, pulling at his hair in want. He stopped and took her hands, holding them firmly in his behind her head.

"Let me do this Faith, just enjoy."

He let go of her hands and slowly slid the unattached bra off her. He looked at her freed breasts and back up to her eyes.

"You're so beautiful."

She closed her eyes and he started kissing her neck again, then down to her left breast. He circled the nipple with his tongue as his right hand took hold of the other breast. She stopped breathing, lost in the sensation as he took the peak in his mouth, sucking steadily. He pinched her other nipple before giving it the same treatment. When she was moaning under him he kissed his way down to her belly button, then to the top of her pants. He looked up to her as he undid the button and took the zipper between his teeth and lowered it.

He got up behind the bed and threw his jacket on the ground, then his tattered shirt. Faith sat up and slowly took off her boots, socks, and pants. Pacey got condoms from the closet and set them on the bedside table before taking off his shoes and socks. He held Faith's gaze as he undid his pants. They dropped to the floor and revealed tight black boxers, and a surprisingly big bulge.

Faith looked glorious in her red underwear, her messy hair framing her face perfectly. He leaned in to kiss her and she pulled him onto the bed and between her legs. He held her breasts and kissed her harder on the mouth. He tortured her ear next and she arched her body to his, delighting him with her vocal appreciation. He was lost in her now, all coherent thoughts leaving him again as he snaked down her body, lingering on her breasts, finally making it to her panties. He grazed her inner thighs with his lips before latching onto her clit through the material. She cried out but pushed him back.



<I've never let a man do this... not that any of 'em tried. I don't want to give someone this kinda power. I get myself off, I leave. That's how it goes. What the hell do I say now?>

Pacey seemed to read her mind.

"Like you said, you know you can break me. Let me. I want to, I'll stop if you don't like it."

He was sincere and she didn't stall anymore. She wanted this man now, she'd hate herself later when he got to know her and left.

She nodded 'yes' and he smiled, tugging her panties down and throwing them onto the pile of clothes. She opened her legs for him and closed her eyes.

"Relax baby."

He kissed the inside of her thighs again until he felt her get more comfortable then slipped his tongue along her opening. She gasped and gripped the sheets when he thrust his tongue into her dripping core. He set a steady rhythm, pressing his nose into her clit while his hands clutched her ass to raise her to him. He lapped her juices hungrily and she started moaning and rolling her hips.

"", he grunted as he ground his own hips into the sheets.

She was getting louder and louder as he sped up. Faith screamed when he shifted his mouth to her clit and let two fingers enter her swiftly. She was getting close and let him know by gripping his hair and holding him hard against her. He slipped another finger in and let them slam her G-spot repeatedly as he pumped her. He put his other hand to work on her clit and kissed her lower stomach.

"You're so fucking gorgeous Faith, I can't wait for you to cum, I can't wait to be inside you."

She was babbling incoherencies now as he brought her closer to the edge. He licked one of the fingers and stopped his action.

"Are you ready Faith? Do you want me to make you cum? Look at me."

She did.

"Please," she whispered. It was exactly what she never wanted to do: beg a man. At the moment, however, she couldn't help her reaction.

He teased her clit with his tongue and positioned his hands. She cried out as fingers slammed into her cunt and he bit her clit.

"Yes, Oh God! YES!"

When Pacey slipped a finger up her ass she came with a guttural scream, convulsing wildly, tears streaming down her contorted face. He milked the orgasm and brought her down as gently as he could. It was the longest and sweetest orgasm Faith had ever had, she'd felt safe and loved and now that it was over she felt so alone.

Pacey quickly went to wash his hands and set himself down next to Faith.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

She was crying and he ignored his own painful erection to hold her close. She started talking as she calmed, her voice hoarse and muffled. He caught only a fraction of what she said and didn't understand most of it.

"Everybody leaves me...I couldn't do anything... Kakistos... I didn't know what to do, where to go, I don't have anyone..."

He rocked her back and forth gently, trying to soothe her.

"I'm here Faith, I'll be here...We're not alone anymore... It's okay.."

She wiped her tears, steadied herself and cut him off by kissing him desperately, passionately. She ripped his boxers off and held his penis as he lay back. She never took her eyes away from him as she got a condom, ripped the foil with her teeth and rolled it down his hard shaft.

She positioned herself on top of him and slid down his length slowly, throwing her head back at the sensation. He nearly lost it, buried deep in her slick passage but he got a hold of himself. She rode him expertly. Slowly at first, until he got his bearings and sat up to kiss her and suck on her tits. She smiled wickedly when he looked up. She winked and sped up, changing his angle of entry on each thrust. He fell back into the pillows and groaned in ecstasy.

"You like that huh?"

He couldn't answer her because she was slamming into him rapidly and with such force that he saw stars. He lost track of time, his whole body flushed with sensation, his brain flooded with emotion. In the frenzy he realized he was getting too close. He didn't have the energy for tantra so he moved a hand to her swollen clit and kept in time with her. They were both screaming in appreciation when he felt her walls begin to contract. He brought his hips crashing up to meet hers and they both threw their heads back and screamed each other's names.

A few minutes later Pacey managed to find his voice.



"You're not going to throw me out are you?"

"Right now, I don't even have the energy to get off you."

With dazed smiles on their faces the two teenagers drifted off to a well-deserved sleep.


Meanwhile, Willow and Angel had walked wordlessly to her house. Both exhausted, both wondering what and how they should explain and going over what each needed to ask the other.

She extended her hand to pull him in. "You're invited."

"Thanks." <*Thanks* Yeah, like that covers it. >

Before he could find anything to say she'd led him all the way to her room.

"So, um, I'm going to set up someplace for you to sleep... You're way too tall for the couch and my parent's bed... I don't know about that, I mean I'm still not supposed to have boys in my room, not that you're a boy."

She looked him up and down.

"Nope, you're definitely not a boy." She blushed crimson as she realized she'd spoken out loud.

"Well, what if I promised NOT to behave myself this time?" He said huskily.

"Uh-huh." She managed, then held her breath.

"Willow look, I'll take the floor in here... if you don't mind. I think being close to you will help keep me sane. And we could talk. Like you said, we uh, still need to talk."

She saw him fighting a mental battle and figured he *they both* needed time alone.

"Go take a shower." He looked up to where she was pointing. "Go, I give you leave to go."

"Yes, mistress Willow" he bowed and half smirked before disappearing into the bathroom.

<This is ridiculous, I'm uncomfortable, he's uncomfortable, how am I going to be able to talk?> She kept replaying all that had happened between them and decided she needed to loosen up. Either she'd have to go and knock back the remaining Jell-O shots or find a spell to help her out. She decided that the her last thought was ridiculous and she just needed to calm down. She put on some music, tidied up a bit and set up a makeshift bed. Then she sat down for some grounding and centering exercises.

He reappeared a short time later wearing only what looked like new silk boxers. Willow choked at the unexpected sight and quickly ran into the bathroom. Angel chuckled at his effect on her. Just what he was going for.

Willow ended up having to wear Angel's discarded t-shirt because her wicked thoughts earlier didn't include getting pajamas out for herself. She'd spent a good amount of time in meditation and was now relaxed. Now she could go out there and have a conversation, without babbling and stuttering and blushing so much. Replaying the events of the night before gave her an adequate boost of self-confidence, but not big enough that she would do something totally out there. <Like rip Angel's underwear off... Although that would be nice. Ha Ha>

He'd turned off the lights when she stepped out. She made her way to her bed and he watched her, barely containing a moan.

"You look beautiful."

They both lay down, knowing there would be no sleep until they talked.

"Angel? I guess I should tell you exactly what I did but I have to ask about Buffy. I know this isn't any of my business but last time I checked you were still in love with her and I was just her trusty sidekick net girl, even though I did consider you a friend... and now I bring you back and you do and say all these things and I'm feeling so much for you I don't even know how to identify the emotions. I feel like I know you, like I've always known you yet that's absurd because even if we were friends we were never real 'hanging out' friends and it's like I'm a different person only the same and it's like you are too... Is it because I got you out? Is that why you like me now? And what are we going to do when Buffy.. she's going to come back and then what? Do we go back to normal? <so much for not babbling, although I did get a lot of it out.> Stop me at any time. Ugh, it's so frustrating, my mouth just..."

She had turned around and he was kneeling next to her.

"You're mouth is exquisite," he whispered.

She buried her face in the pillow, reminding herself that they had to talk.

He shook off the erotic images that had crept up on him and went to turn on the light. She sat up and he set himself down next to her on the bed.

"This isn't the best place to be having a conversation, I could think of far better things to do right now..."

He let out an unneeded breath and they both kept their heads straight, and eyes to the wall in front.

"Angel, I need to know."

"She isn't coming back. Not for a while anyway, maybe never. She decided to abandon being the slayer, wants to be *normal* again... She and Joyce are finding a town to live in, probably as we speak. I'm guessing another small town far away from here- they don't want to be found."

"How do you know all this?"

"One of the special tortures they put me through was watching people I care about through a portal."

She waited but he didn't elaborate. Both were staring holes into the wall, minds working at a break-neck pace.

"I guess it's my turn. I, well Amy helped, found out that Miss Calendar had tweaked the soul restoration. There was no happiness clause to the curse. There was also this passage that made sure your guilt levels would be way out there, to make sure you'd never experience a true moment of happiness, but since she got rid of the clause that went with it. You should feel more. I mean lighter in a way. Do you?"

"Yes, I do. What I don't understand is why I'm still such a vampire. I got off on the power earlier. I can smell your fear. I know you're not afraid of me technically but you're afraid of what might happen with me," he closed his eyes and his head fell back, "and it really turns me on, Willow. I can hear and smell your sweet blood rushing through your veins... Gods the things I want to do to you, with you, right now..."

She jumped off the bed.

"Look buddy, there will be no having or doing of any kind with me. Well, not until we talk and we're not done with that, okay, mister I'm a vampire in your bed wearing boxers... ugh."

Angel started laughing and Willow couldn't help but follow.

"Willow, relax, I can control myself. More that last night anyway and I am sorry about that. I wasn't quite in touch with all my faculties."

She sat back into bed and pulled the covers up to her face.

"It's okay, I didn't even remember any of it till we were dancing earlier."

"Really what triggered it?"

"You had your uh, against my stomach and that... Hey, quit with the diversion tactics. oh, right, still my turn."

She took a deep breath and searched for the words.

"You, know, I hadn't thought of us having this conversation. I would have tried to be more prepared."

"I wasn't sure I could pull it off but I had to look, I had to try. See, the second time I tried the restoration I was barely out of a coma but this power rushed through me and I understood all the words... I figured some outside force was looking out for you and I hoped it would help again. So I talked everything over with Amy and I started praying daily to Hades to let us have you back, body and soul... one night last week I had this dream where I talked to him and I woke up knowing he'd let me get you out if we left the demon there so... Okay, maybe I'm not making sense. We're not actually sure we did, but somehow the demon's consciousness is gone, you're no longer separate, or something. We figured this much: When people are turned into vampire their souls are trapped, probably in their bodies. You don't remember going to the Summerland or Heaven right?"

"No, but I doubt that's where I would have been sent."

"Hush! So the demon takes over the reigns of the body and the brain and dominates the soul. I think they fuse somehow. When you got your soul cursed the demon was weakened and your soul took control. It's like a switch, with the demon ready to take over. Did the opposite happen when you were Angelus? Did you ever have good feelings or a little guilt or anything like that?"

"Actually I did, pretty often. I hated it so much I'd go out and do something especially evil. Will- Spike had them more often. Still does."

"I took the demon out of the equation, but you are a vampire by species. By nature. You still have all the urges but your soul and mind are yours. You have full control now. I didn't eliminate your dark side; we all have dark sides. You should have all the memories now, from what you can remember back when you were human to right now. So on top of the vampire urges you have the freedom to be good or bad, or good and bad like we all do. The demon was alien, and your soul had to fight it with good but it wasn't pure, so it was harder. Now I guess you're complete. Amy thinks you'd be like Lestat or Louis from the Vampire Chronicles. Do you know Anne Rice?"

"Yeah, Spike sent me the first one in '75 when it came out. He said I was as pathetic as Louis. I think I was- at least compared to what I was when I was with him. But, since I read them all, I think I'm more Lestat."

"I guess you are. So, my poor attempt at explaining you to yourself ismaking sense?"

"Yes it is. Kind of. Willow, it was very dangerous to do this, especially with all the factors that were up in the air. What you just explained. it's all speculation. I don't hear the demon, but I feel it. Like he's in my blood. Maybe it's because. I don't know. He's not a being anymore, but, maybe it's the species, maybe it's because to be a vampire you have to be 1 part human and 1 part demon. Maybe we'll know one day."

"Before we, ahh, sleep... I really want to know what happened with

He gathered his thoughts and spoke with no real emotion.

"I had never loved any woman in my entire life. I guess she was my first human puppy love. I absolutely loved William, and respected him as a demon and a friend and as my childe, but not at all the same love someone has for a human life partner. I never loved Darla, although there was a fair amount of obsession and infatuation there and Drucilla was someone I cared for, a baby- of course this was all after I destroyed her mind. Then I got cursed and came to the new world. When Whistler found me in '95 he gave me a new purpose. Said it was a prophesy of some kind, destiny. He trained me and then he gave me Buffy, literally, he said her life was tied to mine. When I saw her for the first time, in that obnoxious yellow leather coat, I knew she wasn't some hardened demon slayer. She was a fresh-faced human girl, an innocent. I saw her as was my link back to the world. She was human. Actually, she was a lot like Cordelia, but I couldn't get enough. She had this guy helping her, this boyfriend... so I didn't interfere until she got here."

He zoned off for awhile, then continued in a lower voice.

"No one though she had a chance so I gave her one, I goaded her into paying attention. She had a good heart and I wanted to keep it safe, I needed her to mend. And when she found out what I was and we got through that, she kissed me and I knew she didn't want to walk away. And she didn't. I was in love with the idea of her from the moment I saw her but it wasn't me. It was me wanting to be human, to atone, wanting to challenge the odds. I never really knew her. It sounds harsh because I did have feelings, strong ones even, but the relationship had a lot to do with convenience. The human boy in me was let out. I was a guy again. You know? The demon got control because I felt like a normal guy having sex with his girlfriend not because... I knew she could never really satisfy me, our natures wouldn't allow it. I wasn't lying as much as you would believe the morning after..."

Willow was gnawing on her lip, fighting the urge to talk back, she waited for the rest.

"I had a very, very long time to come to terms with the relationship. She could never really accept me. Not all of me. She said she could, but I realized she couldn't separate the demon and me, and she couldn't understand why I felt that it WAS me that did all those things. I think we were using each other in a way. I knew I couldn't hurt her as much as I could hurt other humans and she didn't have to explain her *activities* to me. When she started having feelings I gave in, but we were fighting what was at the very core of our beings... If she thought about it she would tell you the same thing..." <Wow! I don't remember the last time I talked that long!>

"Wow. I've never heard you talk that long! You know I really thought you guys would make it, somehow. I'm so sorry things didn't work out."

"I'm not. We never had a chance."

They both still had their eyes glued to the wall, but were now painfully aware of the other's closeness. Now, all they had to do was talk about THAT.

"Angel? Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to uh *like* me. I mean, I don't really get it 'cause I'm just plain Willow but..."

He whipped around and pinned her under him, their faces only inches apart.

"Don't ever say that Willow. You're anything but plain. You, you're everything. You're beautiful, and sexy and you're so smart, you're smarter than I am and I've been here for centuries. You're a goddess and I'm going to see to it that you know that. Don't you see what you do to me?"

She couldn't say anything, the desire pulsing through her was paralyzing. She was only now starting to really absorb the fact that this *was* really happening. She looked up to see his chocolate orbs flash yellow.

Angel breathed in her scent and couldn't contain himself. He closed the distance between them and when she gasped he seized her mouth, exploring every inch with his tongue in a kiss full of promise and lust.

Willow didn't respond right away, mostly because of shock. He realized what he was doing and wrenched himself away, turning onto his back next to her.

"I'm so sorry Willow. I'm assuming so much. I'm acting like a ... pig, or something... I'm taking advantage of you, aren't I? I can't believe I'm so stupid. Look, I'll go find someplace else to sleep and we'll talk tomorrow."

He walked to the door and turned to a still stunned girl.

"I'll take this relationship anywhere you want it to go. We can be friends, or we can be pals or whatever you want, just don't hate me for this. I watched you in Hell, I watched you before, and I always knew you were an amazing women, innocent and good but also gutsy and intelligent... I fell hard. When you would come to me there, taking some of the pain away, I survived for you. I kept sane for you and the promise of a future. I know I don't deserve you. You deserve..."

"Angel. You're talking nonsense. You said my insecurities are unfounded, so are yours. Come here."

She held out her hand and he went to take it.

"I've never been one to go for normal, Oz was a werewolf and Xander, well he's Xander. I don't really know when or why but I fell hard for you too. I told myself there was no way, I'm too young, I'm too nerdy, I'm not Buffy and I don't have much experience but I feel connected to you, I did even before we got your soul back..."

"I don't know how I'll ever repay you for anything. I know we have to talk some more but-"

"Come to bed. We'll figure everything out later, if this isn't a dream."

He turned off the lights and walked back to her.

"I don't think I could take it if it was."

Angel slid in next to the redhead and pulled her close. He captured her lips again and this time she responded with a moan, pulling him closer and rapping her arms around him. His cold body was like ice on fire and he was lost again. He started trailing kisses along her neck, sucking on the pulse point and when she started moving to get closer to him he felt his face change and his fangs elongate. He nicked her skin with the next kiss and she jumped. He licked at the droplets languidly while Willow started suckling tenderly on his earlobe.

"I can never get enough of you, you taste so good."

She started nibbling on his ear and he growled, pinning her under him and plundering her sweet mouth rather ruthlessly. She started gasping for air and had to take his throat in her hands before he realized what she needed.

He left let her room to breath and put the human mask back on.


"Sorry, I can't control myself as well as I thought. You smell so good and your blood is so sweet. I want to mark you again, I want to tie you up, make you scream my name... I guess we'll have to talk about that. I want you to know what we're getting into, if you still-"

Willow was sort of mad he thought she didn't know anything, just because she never did it.

"I know more that you think, about vampires and sex, I'm not so innocent. I read the watchers diaries you know, I read the parts Buffy skipped over. I remember what you told me about you and Spike, when I was visiting. Remember, it was one of the only times you had the strength to talk- "

She tried to look defiant but she saw the serious look in his eyes and knew this was important to him.

"All right, but reading and imagining are different than experiencing. Right now, we should be going to sleep." <Like I'll get any sleep after this>

"Okay," said the girl as he grazed her lips tenderly, "but I won't let you push me around. Just because I'm shy, doesn't mean I can't say when I don't like something. You can't intimidate me that much."

"I could but I wouldn't."

"Specially if you want to keep me around."

"And I do," he said sincerely. He then looked down in the direction of his boxers and smiled sheepishly."I just have to go and take care of this."

"Of what?"

He kneeled over her and took her hand, pressing it over his erection.

He wasn't thinking of the consequences to his actions when he did that. He just wanted her to know exactly how much he wanted her, but her heat on his member was heaven, and he didn't let go of her hand. He watched the play of emotions on her face, his eyes dark with desire.

Willow, albeit extremely tired, was feeling adventurous. The new self-confidence, her arousal, her womanly instincts, her curiosity and the power she felt knowing what she did to him made it impossible for her to copout.

"It's not going away, maybe I'll get a few moments peace if I... ah."

She started moving her hand lightly along his silk clad penis. He let go of her hand and whimpered. She stopped moving.

"I don't... tell me what to do."

He didn't ask if she was sure. He wasn't even thinking at this point, not with his brain anyway.

He slowly moved off the bed and took his boxers off. She was mesmerized. He was so beautiful. She got up and went to him, their eyes mirroring each other's want. He was perfectly still, not breathing, like a statue. <maybe he is Apollo>

He reached for her hand and guided it to his manhood again, their eyes never leaving each other's. She started her exploring by trailing her fingers lightly up and down the shaft while her left hand went to cup his ass. The vampire before her was telling her she was on the right path by emitting low moans at each touch. She got bolder. She put her hand around it noting her fingers didn't connect and started moving from base to tip again. His moans grew considerably louder and his eyes flashed yellow.


Willow's entire body tingled at the husky comment, and she felt her netherparts swelling at the thought of him saying it again.

She tightened her grip and pumped him harder. Just as he was congratulating himself on his control she got down on her knees and he vamped out in anticipation. She looked up and smirked but his eyes were closed. She examined his member closely, noting it's impressive length and width, it's smoothness and the ridges, without breaking her movement. She saw the precum accumulated on the head and went to lap it up. Her hot breath on him made him quiver and when her tongue snaked up to taste him he growled loudly and gripped her shoulders to steady himself. She brought her left hand to cup his balls out of curiosity and his dick twitched. She stilled but he let her know how nice it was by squeezing her shoulders and nodding. She smiled and decided to go with her intuition, and the knowledge she'd 'stumbled' upon on the internet.

She licked him from base to tip and took the head into her mouth. He practically howled so she kept on. She started moving up and down slowly, taking a bit more of him in on each stroke and experimenting with suction. Her left hand freed his balls and settled at the base of his shaft while her right hand continued its ministrations in time with her mouth.

"Harder, oh please Willow, it's so good..."

She let go of all fears of hurting him and griped him tightly, applying more pressure with both her hands and mouth, occasionally grazing him with her teeth. He ended up doing what he'd promised himself he wouldn't do when he moved his hands to her hair to sheath himself further into her hot mouth. He was grunting uncontrollably, willing himself to last and feel this immeasurable pleasure just a bit longer. When her left hand went back to his balls and squeezed he growled and started bucking his hips. He was hitting the base of her throat.

She let go of her other hand to grip his backside, drawing blood with her nails. She was relaxed, the fear she felt having much to do with her inexperience. In fact, she sought to drive him further over the edge by using her tongue to stroke him and occasionally biting down .

She gave up any control and let him set the pace, now much faster and rougher. He was grunting loudly in time with his strokes and she prayed what she'd heard was accurate. She brought her hand into her panties and smeared her fingers with some blood, fighting the urge to stroke herself while there. He was fucking her mouth with a vengeance and she thought he might be close so she brought her hand back up to his ass and finding his opening she thrust two fingers in.

"Oh... God... Willow!"

She moaned as he brought a hand to one of her breasts and roughly tweaked the hard peak though the t-shirt. She pumped in and out of him mercilessly matching his timing and adding a finger. He brought his other hand to fondle his balls and it took three strokes before the feeling was too much to handle. He gripped her head and brought it level with his before she could even register anything. Angel registered what he was about to do, and bit his own wrist. His orgasm was so forceful it brought him to his knees and when it was over they were both sprawled out on the floor's makeshift bed.

The End
